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Looking After Your “Internal” Environment
to Achieve Vital Health Abnormal has definitely shifted to normal when it comes to how people feel and look. Putting it more to the point, most people tell me they feel “rotten”. This may not be a good word but it suits the topic. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? If so, keep reading and I will attempt to give you the most valuable health information there is. We have been educated into weakness. Statistics show that the average person is overweight, and one in four is carrying and extra 25 pounds of not just weight, but toxic waste. As I walk through the crowds I see the average adult looking overweight, displaying the middle age bulge (otherwise known as the spare tire, pot belly, the roll, the pregnant look), but in reality these terms are slang and improper. What we are really dealing with is the large intestine (which is a muscle) that lacks tone, has fallen down, and bulges out of the abdomen, filled with stagnant waste material. Did you know that the average person has eight to twelve pounds of faecal matter putrefying (rotting) within their bodies? This is the origin of the term “I feel rotten”. But, don’t get me wrong, you can still have eight to twelve pounds of rotting fecal waste even if you don’t have a protruding abdomen. Your intestines are falling down and in. The Royal Society of Medicine did a major study and found that a dysfunctional large intestine (colon) is the major contributor to 85% of all disease and illness. I truly believe that a dysfunctional colon is the major fuel to the fire of all illness and disease. And until this organ gets your full attention and co-operation, not only will you not prevent or reverse illness, you will remain sick and tired of being sick and tired. So why is this section called Spoiled Rotten? Because without knowing it, the average person is, in fact, spoiled rotten. They are rotting from the inside out. This is a breeding ground for disease. Your large intestine is the mother of all organs. It is the first organ developed in the fetus. Why? Because it is the most important. Without a proper waste disposal (sewage system), life would cease to exist before it even gets started. Just picture the catastrophe or epidemic state we would face if our cities’ sewer systems backed up into our streets and homes. Where do you think the average so-called healthy person stands in this situation? They have turned their bodies’ sewage systems into living breathing cesspools of toxic bacteria, gases, viruses, fungus, and worms, living off stagnant putrefactive waste. This is the first and foremost toxic dumpsite that you should be concerned with if you are an environmentalist or should I say “survivalist”. There’s a little saying I use that goes like this… “cars rust… people rot”. Isn’t it amazing how we are all so concerned about the state of our planet? We should be, but first things first. If you look after your internal environment you automatically support your external environment. First let me say that the planet is millions of years old and is much wiser than us. We will die out long before she even gets indigestion. We poison her and she gives it all back. We eat the chemicals we dump in the soil. We drink the chemicals we put in the water. We breathe in the chemicals we put in the air. We are our planet’s purification system. We die first… and the problem is solved! That is the way things will continue until man is forced down on his knees begging for help, because when it comes to health, we do not use common sense or even education, but only pain and suffering. Most people only consider taking care of their health when they start to hurt. They quit smoking only after the x-rays tell their ugly story. It’s the old story that everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. I call this section ‘Spoiled Rotten’ because just as a child may develop bad habits, eventually he/she will run out of control and chaos will result. Similarly, from improper training of very basic health rules, we find ourselves out of control, lacking discipline, and unable to apply these rules of nature. It is no fault of our own, but is our responsibility to correct. What we sow, we shall reap. Only you have the power to choose between a life of health and happiness or what we see all around us - sickness, disease, premature aging, etc. Don’t just rely on your doctor or health care professional. It is up to you. Your body is a temple for your spirit and emotions to find balance in the physical plane, but it must be in a healthy state in order accomplish that balance. That healthy state is delivered to you along an amazing assembly line know as The Digestive Tract. It starts at the mouth and goes down the esophagus to the stomach and then to the small intestine, which is five to seven feet long. In total we are looking at thirty to thirty-two feet of intestines. That’s a long way for your food to travel. Everything has to be digested in its proper time. The process of eating and digestion is a work of art, simple and effective. Improper eating throws all sense of discipline and rules out the window causing grief, and eventually disaster to your body. Most people are only conscious of the first five inches of the process, only aware of the taste and texture from the mouth to the throat. So what we have is five inches of delight followed by thirty feet of misery. Most people have three rules when it comes to choosing which food to eat - how it tastes, how it looks, and how it smells. Unfortunately, more important health issues such as how it will react on the body, the content of toxic chemicals, the food’s nutritional value or quality, or even its digestive ability, take a back seat to the taste, look, and smell of what we put in our bodies. Most often the food ends up rotting along the way. A few negative symptoms you may experience soon after a meal if you have eaten incorrectly are headache, nausea, bloating, cramps, gas, and fatigue. We also waste money, life, and energy. If we eat for energy then we should feel energized. Ask yourself, are you absorbing nutrients or toxins? If we live without food rules and discipline, satisfying only the mouth, our digestive tract becomes out of control from our throat to our rectum. What happens between the front and back door becomes the primary factor of health or disease affecting the rest of our lives. We must learn to become a guard dog and be conscious of what foods are detrimental to our body and which are supportive. Let me ask you a question. Why do you think children have so much energy? Yes, they are young, but most importantly, they are not toxic. They have not had thirty, forty, or fifty years of absorbing toxic waste migrating from stagnant fecal debris in their large intestine polluting their blood, lymph, organs, and tissue cells. Let us focus on the mother of all the organs, the large intestine (colon). The large intestine is the last five to seven feet of the digestive tract beginning at the Ileocecal valve and ending at the rectum. The large intestine is a muscle and if it lacks tone, then every other muscle and cell in the body will have the same problem. In today’s stressful society, even if you have a good diet, bowel management should be top priority, because we do not exercise enough, and stress (all around us) destroys digestion and messes up the elimination process. Do you have bad breath? If you do, it is not because of what you ate yesterday. It is what you have eaten days, weeks, months, and even years before. It radiates from your private manure pile. Remember that hot air rises and it is rising from your abdomen and out through your mouth. Mints, toothpaste, and mouthwash are only temporary measures which mask the symptoms and never get to the cause. Why do people so heavily use underarm deodorant and perfumes? To hide the truth. The truth is they smell. Young children do not smell because they are not rotting inside. Why does body odor increase as we age? The answer is – we are spoiled rotten. We rot from the inside out. You should know that almost all bathroom toiletries and perfumes are toxic and harmful to your body - even some of the so-called natural products. Underarm deodorants may be a contributing factor to lymph problems and breast cancer. Why do most people avoid going to the toilet when away from home? Because of the odor they leave behind. Imagine walking into your own house and being confronted by a foul odor and not knowing where it was coming from. You would not rest until you found it. I’m sure you wouldn’t spray deodorizers through the house to mask the odor. So why is it that when we smell the odor of sickness from within our body, do we hide it pretending it doesn’t exist, or further still, make jokes of our friends when they leave this horrible smell in the bathroom? They are actually sick inside. We have not only been educated into weakness; it is much worse. We have been educated (or advertised) into ignorance. Most products advertised on television are designed to mask the symptoms of a more serious problem – body deodorizers, breath deodorizers, air deodorizers, headache pills, lotions for dry skin, topical creams for yeast infections, arthritis pain relievers, weight loss programs, hair care products, allergy relief, gastro-intestinal disturbances, and many more - and none of these products address the origin of the problem, because if they did, you wouldn’t need to buy the product any more. Marketing teams are highly paid to convince you that “instant” (and temporary) relief is what you really want and need… a quick fix until the problem rears its ugly head again in a week or another month… when you’ll need their product yet again. Statistics show that 90% of the pain people suffer is from the abdomen, more specifically the large intestine. Stagnation of faecal waste due to gas/wind and inflammation causes this. The large intestine has pockets (called Haustras) from the beginning to the end. They contract similar to the movement of a snake pushing the waste along for elimination. The beginning of the large intestine is the Ileocecal valve, which can be found just above the right hip half way between the hip bone and belly button. It allows the foodstuffs to come through on a gradual basis. When pain is experienced here, it is usually gas. This gas can hold the Ileocecal valve open, causing waste to back up into the small intestine. This is a one-way door that can malfunction when faecal debris stagnates in this area. Even worms/parasites can enter the small intestine when this occurs. The average person, as I stated earlier, has eight to twelve pounds of old stagnant faecal debris and excess mucus hardened along the walls of the large intestine. Here’s an interesting fact - John Wayne donated his body to science and was found to have over 40 pounds of dried faecal waste lodged in his intestines. The most important step towards getting the ill to a healthy state (or never getting sick) is to learn the true art of cleansing. Even if you change your diet and start eating properly, and you do not clean out that old toxic waste material that is rotting inside, you will never experience vibrant health. This toxic fecal waste is the home of worms, viruses, bad bacteria, and fungus. We must break their foothold and serve these mutant invaders their eviction notice. What happens when the food passes through the Ileocecal valve and enters the ceacum? Our food travels twenty-two feet through the small intestine to the rectum. Because of the so-called SAD (Standard Average Diet), it is so sticky it does not flow at a proper rate through the digestive tract. It turns into advanced putrefaction, because the large intestine is a living-breathing organ made of millions of cells bathing in a fluid of toxic waste, which in turn pollutes the cells. This causes the colon to degenerate, losing tone and becoming spastic due to excess infection leading to inflammation. How many people do you know whose stomach feels mushy, and their back muscles are always tight? Another condition could be a super tight stomach protruding because of so much trapped gas coming off all this toxic faecal congestion lodged in their large intestine. How do you think the large intestine is feeling? Like a paralyzed limp, comatose muscle. About two inches past the Ileocecal valve, you have the appendix. This is an endocrine organ that protects you by creating infection fighters for the large intestine. Many children and even adults get appendicitis. Appendicitis means inflammation. You can’t have inflammation unless you have infection. You can’t have infection unless you have putrefaction (rotting). You will not have rotting if you understand the art of cleansing. So now your foodstuffs are sitting in the ceacum. Hopefully the Haustras (bowel pockets) are not encrusted with fecal waste and your colon has muscle tone to start the last seven feet of the journey to the rectum where it will be eliminated. But what happens in the so-called average normal person? Just like wallpaper, layer upon layer upon layer of dehydrated fecal waste is built up inside the wall of their large intestine. This toxic waste will gradually leak back into the blood stream. This is called Toxemia. Think of a dustbin lorry working all day. Where does the waste go? They have a compactor. Your body is no different. If it cannot eliminate the fecal waste, it dehydrates it and stores it into the Haustras of your large intestine. Cleansing is essential for good health. Most people do not want to talk about their faecal matter. They stick their head in the sand hoping it will go away. A toxic colon is the breeding ground for disaster. Do you know that its major cause is putrefaction of faecal waste reabsorbed into your system? This causes toxemia which means dirty blood. Let me pose a question to you. Do you believe that you could have systemic candida, chronic fatigue, headaches, sore throat, skin disorders, heart disease, gout, arthritis, sinus problems, or worse - without your blood being dirty and toxic? The list of illnesses is endless. The only way for your blood to become toxic is by reabsorbing your own toxic faecal waste from the waste line (large intestine). What are the chances of your body breaking down if your blood was pure and oxygen/nutrient rich? As reality would have it, I don’t know of anyone who does not suffer from toxemia on some level. This condition is of epidemic proportions and getting worse because of processed fast foods and our toxic external environment. Let us talk about the domino effect. What’s the major cause of toxemia (dirty blood)? Absorption of toxic faecal waste from the large intestine (colon). So if you can get the large intestine operating properly, you won’t absorb the faecal toxic waste. When the blood becomes over-burdened by these deadly toxins (poisons) the liver has to pick up the overload. Your liver already does over 500 different functions for the body and now must pick up the slack and handle the toxic waste from the large intestine. The liver says, “I can’t believe this. What is wrong with you, colon? It’s your job for sewage disposal… are you trying to exhaust me, and poison this body?” “No of course not”, replies Colon… “I can’t do my job. The owner eats glicky sticky gooey processed, fried, chemical-laden food and I’ve got twelve pounds of toxic fecal waste stuck to my walls. I lost my muscle tone and I worn out.” Well the liver, being a team player, works overtime until it becomes chronically fatigued and then the owner of the body starts experiencing an array of negative side effects from this and goes to the doctor. The doctor says, “You’re doing fine for the average person of your age.” He says it is normal. Thanks!! but… I am not normal… or average. We have been sold down the river!! The liver had to do much more than its share because of the toxic blood situation caused by the encrusted faecal waste in the large intestine. Now the liver must pass on this burden of toxic waste caused by a sluggish large intestine (colon) to the kidneys. But the kidneys aren’t so happy about taking on this extra burden. They already felt the added pressure for the last few years due to the colon being dysfunctional prior to the liver plight. So the kidneys scream out, “Our job is to purify body fluids. We’re not meant to take on these heavy bowel toxins. What are these?” (These aren’t even toxins from metabolism. They are chemicals and toxic waste from the large intestine that should never have re-entered the body’s system.) The liver answers back, “I have done my best. Talk to the large intestine. But I doubt he will answer. He is comatosed.” So the kidneys do their best, but as time goes on, chronic low back pain sets in due to these unwanted toxic poisons. Other symptoms are showing from the over-worked kidneys like sweaty palms, bags under the eyes, frequent urination, and bladder infections. The kidneys are now taking the brunt of this toxic waste. Where does it go from here? To the holding tank called the bladder. Now lets talk about the bladder. It sits just in front of the last part of the large intestine known as the sigmoid colon. So being one of the closest organs to the large intestine, we know there has been an overload of toxic fecal waste being absorbed into the body and attacking the tissue of the bladder for quite some time now. How many people do you know who find themselves going to the toilet two, three, or four times a night? Remember this toxic waste that has been forced on to the kidneys will irritate and inflame any tissue it comes in contact with. So now we have this toxic sediment flowing into the bladder and settling to the bottom of this sac-like organ where it will irritate and inflame the tissue. When this happens, the tissue will react by contracting into spasm causing hypersensitivity from the inflammation. So now you know why you have to urinate so much. It is 3:00 o’clock in the morning and the fourth time you feel pressure in the bladder area. So it’s out of bed and to the bathroom. Relief is only seconds away. Finally you get to the toilet but – what’s this? - only a few drops come out. Remember your bladder is hypersensitive and can take hardly any pressure. It takes very little to set it off. Then there are those people who now have to wear ‘Pads’ because the valve that holds the urine back has been infected and inflamed for so long they now have a faulty valve. This is what we call the domino effect. First toxic colon, then the blood, liver, kidneys, bladder and now the lymph system become toxic - all because you do not understand when your body is talking to you. Pain is a signal from your body crying for help (proper detoxification). It is not telling you to shut it up by using drugs. This does not make for a good relationship. Where couples do not communicate they divorce, when you do not communicate with your body you cause disease and maybe death. I think it would be wise to have a heart-to-heart talk with your body, mainly your large intestine; this is where things started to go wrong. So here we go again. There is still no proper communication happening between you and your body. The most basic simple logical step has not been taken and that is detoxification. Now the kidneys can no longer take on this extra burden of re-absorbed toxic waste. They are overworked and malfunctioning. The burden is then pushed on to the lymph system - the last major foothold of your immune system. This will also affect your skin in a very negative way. Welcome to the "puffy" age when you look and feel puffy!! When the body reaches a state of toxic overload, it will retain water. And why? Because it is trying to dilute the poison hoping to put off the inevitable - cellular degeneration, disease, organ failure, and maybe even death – if you do not start communicating with your body. Let’s talk about the all to common meat and potatoes man. “Hi Dear! I have had a hard day and I am starving!” Well of course he is starving. He doesn’t eat right and he’s unable to digest, assimilate his food, and excrete the waste efficiently due to his lifestyle - which I will explain. But before we get into that, let’s feed that starving tired meat and potato man. So she puts the coffee on and, being a loving wife, she gives him a large serving of meat and potatoes. Well the first golden rule for effective digestion is NEVER MIX A PROTEIN AND A STARCH. Meat requires protein enzymes for digestion and potatoes require starch enzymes. When these enzymes are put together they neutralize each other and your food putrefies (rots). Instead of being digested by enzymes, it putrefies with bad bacteria. Also, mixing different types of concentrated cooked foods takes more energy to digest than energy given in return. Another problem - not only are the body’s internal enzymes neutralized, but cooked foods have had their naturally-occurring enzymes destroyed through the cooking process. Your food has a greater chance of putrefying because of this. This means the food is not being digested through the enzymatic process, but are now broken down by bad bacteria, which leads to ulcers, inflammation, infection, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, etc. etc. - digestive disorders from the mouth to the rectum. So let’s get back to our meat and potatoes man. He starts eating his meal and yes he starts to feel better because his sugar glucose is climbing and he is feeling more energetic. His wife says, “Darling, do you think you would like to come with me for a walk tonight? We haven’t for a while.” “Sure dear,” he agrees. His wife finishes eating and starts cleaning the dishes and our meat and potatoes man is just finishing his supper and his wife says, “Dear, are you full yet?” But as the meal goes on, he starts becoming more tired. Poor guy! No matter how much he eats he can’t get his energy back. Poor habits have spoiled him rotten. And with that he burps. His food has already started to putrefy due to an already broken down digestive tract. Remember that we either digest our food with enzymes or it breaks down through putrefaction (rotting) with bad bacteria. The purpose of eating is to feed the body, not fill it. “Darling, I’ll finish the dishes and we’ll go for that walk!” she says. “Well, Dear. I don’t know, I just feel too tired to go for a walk. I think I’ll just sit here for a while to see if my food digests,” he replies. You see, our M&P man has not eaten in an effective way, and blood flow is decreased in the limbs and organs and increased in the digestive tract in an effort to reduce the putrefaction (rotting) of his dinner so that toxemia (blood poisoning) does not escalate. By reducing blood flow to the limbs and organs there is a reduction in oxygen in his arms, legs, and head, causing him to be very tired. His body does not want him rotting anymore than he already is. Let’s get back to the meat and potatoes man, who is still sitting at the dinner table. By now, you probably realized he has had to let his belt out a couple of notches. The food rotting causes bad bacteria, and the bad bacteria gives off gas/wind that will blow him up like a balloon within minutes. After a few minutes a rumbling starts, the dinner table starts to shake; his wife turns in fright to see her husband with one hand on his waistline and the other over his heart with a look of distress on his face. And…KA-BOOM! He lets one go from the back door. The gas was so fierce it shot him over to the couch. Maybe it’s a good thing for three reasons - he may not have moved all night - he can now pull his belt in an extra inch, and – the pressure came off his heart. Well, meet the couch potato guy who holds a PhD as a Remote Control Coordinator. “Are you okay, Darling?” she asks from the kitchen. “The pressure is gone but I still feel a little rotten. I think I’ll just stay (lay) on the couch and rest for a few minutes (hours)”, he replies. Well you guessed it. A few minutes later and he is snoring. Do you know why he’s snoring? The food did not digest with enzymes. It putrefied with bad bacteria. So the bad bacteria broke the food down leaving behind toxic gas and waste, which causes increased acidity (pH imbalance) and decreased oxygen. The snoring is caused by his exhausted state and lack of oxygen. He is fighting for his life - whether he or anyone else realizes it. So it is 11:00 o’clock and time for bed. His wife gently wakes him up but he’s grumpy like a bear - and why? Because nobody feels good when they’re tired and toxic. Remember his sewer system has backed up and it’s a cesspool. And you know how the story ends. Another fulfilling night with his loving wife - and of course the walk is on hold. The cycle has started. He wakes up the next morning as tired as when he went to bed. His body could not rest, recuperate, or repair because it was working overtime in this toxic state. Oh, and by the way, you had better not speak to him until he has his morning coffee. He feels he needs coffee to motivate his exhausted state before he can participate in life. Coffee is a stimulant. It neither gives oxygen or nutrition to the body, but when it hits the liver it increases his metabolism giving him a false sense of energy that is stolen from the liver. Eventually, something will have to give if he continues down this path (rut). Here’s an interesting quote (source unknown) to ponder… “The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.” What are some of the symptoms that come with a toxic lymph system? Symptoms you may experience are, foul smelling armpits, profuse sweating, or never sweating due to lymph system blockage, toxic waste overflow to breast tissue, breast problems, water retention, swelling of face, hands, feet, legs, abdomen, dry skin, and skin diseases. You know what happens when you eat or drink something not good for you; you swell up like a balloon. Today your belt is in the third notch - tomorrow it’s in the fourth. Today you can take your rings off, and tomorrow you cannot. This morning your dress is loose, but tomorrow it is tight. This morning your shoes fit, but by supper they are too tight. When you are tired the problem is worse. You go on a weight loss program and lose ten pounds in the first ten days but the following week you gain a couple of pounds because you have not opened the door of detoxification, so poisons must be diluted again. This is a built-in safety mechanism for your own good. This is what we call water loss not weight loss. You’re up and down like an elevator due to a compromised immune and detoxification system. Welcome to the world of the human YO-YO. You must learn to communicate if you want out of the puffball syndrome. Well we’ve come to the end of the road. You’ve hit the wall. You are incapable of hearing or listening to your body, and it’s screaming bloody murder. If that’s not the case then whoever is giving you guidance is badly misinformed on the natural process of life. Whoever said that ignorance is bliss…. So you have all the major eliminating organs up in arms and one is comatosed. First your blood took on this toxic faecal waste from the colon and then the burden went to the liver, kidneys, bladder, skin, and lymph. Your body has more built in safety mechanisms than you may realize. I guess the creator knew how slow we could react to toxic faecal waste. So there’s a meeting called by the brain of all the organs - oh except for one and that one is the large intestine (colon); remember it’s been comatosed probably for years. Very little movement from lack of tone just muscular spasms here and there from inflammation caused from chronic infection. The large intestine has become a breeding ground for parasites, viruses, bad bacteria, and fungus that will eventually filter into the body systems. So a decision has been reached by the brain to help remove the burden from the other organs caused by the large intestine. Whatever water we can get from the organs or the body’s tissue without causing dehydration must be sent down to the large intestine to flush out the encrusted faecal waste that caused the problem in the first place. Guess what? Now you have diarrhea. And why diarrhea? Well almost all cases of diarrhea are caused by chronic constipation. This does not mean you do not go to the toilet. It means your waste is not being eliminated affectively and a lot is staying behind. I know diarrhea is an inconvenience, but don’t we feel much better when the cause of the problem is eliminated. Tired but relieved. I know you feel tired but now you can restore and regenerate with this toxic load eliminated. So now your large intestine is eliminating loose stools. This will continue until the pressure comes off the other organs until they get relief and your bowel is detoxified. So let’s take the average person who has no intestinal health. This toxic situation will repeat itself until they have suffered long enough. The greatest cause of illness is a malfunctioning digestive tract. The state of your inner terrain will be a major contributor to a happier life. Whenever I ask people how their bowel movements are, I know the answer I will get is not the whole truth. People are educated to lie without even realizing it. So let me say one last time that diarrhea is a symptom of constipation caused by encrusted fecal waste, which breeds parasites, bad bacteria, viruses, and mold. These deadly invaders give off gas and toxic chemicals, causing infection leading to inflammation, resulting in bowel disorders and a toxic spillover into the blood. This is the beginning of disease. You will not have disease unless you have the environment to support it. You have seen people who look like they are six months pregnant. Their abdomens stick straight out like a balloon. Just think of how much rotting has to go on for that type of swelling. Their abdomen is filled with toxic fecal waste and gas. All this hot gas creates much pressure on the back, kidneys, liver, uterus, prostate, bladder, and heart. Have you known people who think they are having a heart attack so they rush to the hospital and the doctors can’t find anything wrong with them? This is no heart attack. This is a gas attack. This gas rises and puts pressure on the lungs and heart. And the absorbed poisons eat up minerals and oxygen in the lungs and heart causing a weakened state in this area. And what about the physical and chemical pressure on the kidneys, adrenals, and spine? So you go to the chiropractor every two weeks because your hips and spine are frozen or out of place. What about cleansing and toning your digestive tract? Weak and toxic abdomen muscles will create many problems for the hips and spine. Another abdominal problem is where the intestine is falling down and out. This is where it hangs down over the belt and trousers. The large intestine and the abdominal muscles have very little tone. These two abdominal situations start or escalate hundreds of disturbing problems. Stand up and touch your toes. See where the body bends in half. This is approximately the belly bottom. The transverse part of the large intestine runs horizontally under your ribs from one side of your abdomen to the other. When your transverse colon loses tone and fills with gas, it will cut off the main flow of blood to your hips, legs, and feet. So now your heart must pump harder. What about your prostate, ovaries, and bladder? They sit immediately in front of this toxic waste dump. So why not have varicose veins, cold feet, poor circulation, sex problems, gout, and achy joints. If you dam up the blood, nerve, and lymph flow, expect alarms to go off from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. And then there is Candida Albicans, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia - three illnesses all stemming from the same problem - a toxic body and a malfunctioning digestive tract. I hope I have brought to you logic and a clear understanding that the majority of all illness comes from a malfunctioning digestive tract. Before we wrap this section up. I’d like to tell you something. Did you know that the large intestine has less pain fibers than the rest of the body? This is the reason you may experience pain somewhere else in the body, but the cause may be coming from the large intestine. This is why you can have so many other disorders and never understand the true cause. All digestive diseases are a result of long-term infection and inflammation. They are found in different locations in the digestive tract. Some of these are: Crones Disease, Colitis, Mucoidal Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulosis, Fistula, Fissure, Hemorrhoids, Ulcers, Hiatal Hernia, and Worse. Remember it’s not what comes out - it’s what stays in that kills us. We can complicate our lives or get back to basics. Is all this complicated? Yes, it is, but when you understand how it works, it all makes a great deal of sense and to know where you are and where you are going.
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